Tuesday, 3 December 2013

What to do?!

We went away on holiday to celebrate hubby's 50th birthday, and boys being safely packed off to Uni - had a fantastic three weeks driving Route 66, but that's an entirely different story - and I tried not to think too much about running 26.2 miles with a dodgy foot. When we got home I (very sensibly) went to see my GP, who seemed quite pleased for me and thought I must be very excited by the prospect (even though I told her I was a panicking, terrified wreck) and she didn't say that I should under no circumstances even attempt such a reckless and foolhardy undertaking (which I think was what hubby hoped she'd say). She wasn't particularly helpful about the foot - still intermittently painful, not while using it for walking (which I had done an awful lot of on holiday) or exercise classes (which I had done none of…), but afterwards, once I'd sat down for a bit, it was very sore and hard to walk on. I think the gist of her advice was, take it carefully to start with and see how you go, and my physio friend said make sure to do loads of calf stretching and be careful, so I figured that's what I should do.

I downloaded a 24 week Beginners' Marathon Training Plan from the Virgin London Marathon website and worked out that I had exactly 24 weeks in which to work through it before the big day in April. It looked quite a scary programme, with only Saturdays off, and I was slightly alarmed to see that three or four weeks in I had to graduate from "jog" to "run". I only have one speed… But that was in the future so on Monday 28th October 2013 I began with 1.7 miles around the block, taking 18 1/2 minutes. It's going to be a long hard road.

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