Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Harry Potter and the Exercise Bike

Well here we are in the final few hours of 2013. I hope it's been a good one for you. This blog is a bit off-piste as there's not a lot of running action to report on - as you will know I am on a bit of an enforced exercise hiatus, and also it's been Christmas. I have tried to keep going, honestly, and actually I think I've not done too badly. I even went spinning on Christmas Eve for heaven's sake! I was complete rubbish and didn't do any of the standy uppy bits (it's a skill I have never mastered) but I did keep going for the whole class. On Sunday I went to the gym and "cycled" for an hour - I uploaded a Harry Potter movie to my phone and plugged it into the screen in front of my bike; it helped the time pass much more quickly, but couldn't do anything to alleviate the soreness in my bottom! I've also been out power walking, or more like just walking, which I probably shouldn't do as it's still impact on my foot but I had to do something and, it being the Christmas season, the gym opening times have been a bit hit and miss, and it's a bit of a faff to get in the car and get down there, when I can just sling my trainers on and whizz round the block. I've been very good about stretching my calf as much as I can - while washing up or ironing, and every time I walk up the stairs! - and the foot is certainly not as sore. Hopefully I can get started with my friendly physiotherapist pretty soon and she'll let me go running again. I should be into Week 2 (of 16) of the actual marathon training plan now, which means that 15 weeks from now it'll all be over...

Away from the "training", Christmas was great. We had our boys home from Uni, eating us out of house and home, but we had such a super relaxed family time. Just lovely. And looking back on the year soon to be gone, that's been pretty lovely too. The highlight was obviously our mega Route 66 road trip in October, but there were many other happy memories - son number 2 turning 18, finishing school with great A levels and heading off happy and confident into the world of student-y things; son number 1 continuing to achieve great things in his studies, capped by his winning £1000; hubby celebrating his 50th birthday with a great family party in the sunshine; a hot and sunny week in Spain; a girly spa and wine break in the Isle of Wight with great friends; volunteering with the National Trust and meeting some lovely new people... But that's the danger with blogging, you can easily get sucked into writing about all kinds of stuff that other people are just not that interested in, so I'll just finish by wishing all my loyal readers (all 4 of you!) a very happy and healthy 2014 - the first few months are going to be quite challenging for me, but I am very much looking forward to it, and then I plan thoroughly to enjoy the rest of the year!

Happy New Year! xx

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